Nobeli.Ge – Welcome


Mental Arithmetic


Working day groups on site - 120 GEL
Working day groups online - 120 GEL
Weekend groups - 140 GEL

The tuition fee will be calculated for 1 month. There is one 80-minute lesson per week. 4 lessons held in a month are considered a full academic month. If he has 5 lessons in a calendar month, the fee is not added.


-10% - for two cousins

-20% - for three cousins

Emotional Intelligence


Working day groups on site - 120 GEL
Weekend groups - 140 GEL

The tuition fee will be calculated for 1 month. There is one 80-minute lesson per week. 4 lessons held in a month are considered a full academic month. If he has 5 lessons in a calendar month, the fee is not added


-10% - for two cousins
-20% - for 3 cousins

სკოლა ნობელი

სკოლა ნობელი

ემოციური ინტელექტისა და მენტალური არითმეტიკის განმავითარებელი წრეები

I will be back soon
